The Borough of Grove City, PA has its regular council meeting at the Grove City Borough Building on the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. The meetings are open to the public and in compliance with state law are announced in advance in our local newspaper. The GroveCityOnline calendar also contains posted meetings, news, and borough-related events. We enthusiastically welcome the public to attend our meetings and become part of our conversation and dialogues about our borough and community.
The PA Grove City Borough Municipal Building and Mailing Address:
123 W. Main Street, Grove City, PA 16127 (Google Map It)
Telephone: 724-458-7060
Fax: 724-458-4114
Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:00am – 4:30pm
Do you want to learn more about Local Government and the various roles in which you and others can take part? View and/or download the Citizen’s Guide to Pennsylvania Local Government:
Citizens-Guide-to-PA-Local-Govt. – PDF
Grove City Mayor:
Mr. Randy L. Riddle Term Ends: 12/31/2025
Grove City Borough Councilors:
Mrs. Mary Kay Mattocks – Council President
Mr. Joel A. Bigley – Vice President
View a map of the various Grove City Wards: Borough of Grove City Ward Map
Ward 1 Representatives:
Mr. James Henry Term Ends: 12/31/2027
Mr. Vincent DiStasi Term Ends: 12/31/2025
Ward 2 Representatives:
Mr. Jared Hoffman Term Ends: 12/31/2027
Mr. Shawn Morley Term Ends: 12/31/2025
Ward 3 Representatives:
Mr. Pat Eakin Term Ends: 12/31/2025
Mrs. Mary Kay Mattocks Term Ends: 12/31/2025
Ward 4 Representatives:
Mr. Jeffrey L. Hodge Term Ends: 12/31/2027
Mr. Joel A. Bigley Term Ends: 12/31/2025
Ward 5 Representatives:
Mr. Scott Jaillet Term Ends: 12/31/2027
Mr. William Zimmerman Term Ends: 12/31/2025
Currently 2 Junior Council Members are serving
Grove City Borough Auditor:
McGill, Power, Bell & Associates, LLP
Elected Grove City Borough Constable:
Sandra Fischer Term Ends: 12/31/2027
Grove City Borough Manager:
Mr. Vance E. Oakes / Office Phone: 724-458-7060 ext. 106
Grove City Borough Assistant Borough Manager:
Taylor Pokrant / Office Phone: 724-458-7060 ext. 105
Grove City Borough Solicitor:
Mr. Timothy Bonner, Esq.
Grove City Tax Office and Collector Information:
Mr. Matthew D. Fischer, Receiver of Taxes
PO Box 47
Grove City, PA 16127
Office Phone: 724-418-1053