Tag Archives: shelter

Pavilion Reservations Now Online

Grove City Borough is pleased to announce our new ONLINE Pavilion Reservation System is now “up” and functional. Please click our easy-to-remember link to view/and-or make Pavilion Reservations: https://grovecityonline.com/reservations. You may also access this link in the sidebar or our Website.

The current reservation system consists of Three Parts:

  1. Verifying the Shelter is open ONLINE for your proposed reserved


  2. Submitting an ONLINE Reservation Request
  3. Receiving Confirmation of your Reservation from the Borough

Directions to our Park:
~Google MapIt!-Online

View the PDF of our Park/Shelter Locations:
~Shelter PDF-Download

We hope this system will help you to make Pavilion Reservations in our beautiful Memorial Park both faster and easier.