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The Borough of Grove City invites qualified professional engineering firms to submit their Statements of Interest and Qualifications for engineering services for the Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project.

The Borough will accept sealed proposals submitted to the Borough of Grove City, Borough Manager’s Office, 123 W. Main Street, Grove City, PA 16127, until 3:00 PM Monday August 5, 2024 for establishing a contract with qualifying firms.

The Borough’s intention is to award a contract for these services to the best-qualified firm. Each firm will be considered and ranked by a Selection Committee based upon their written submission. The Borough will then enter into negotiations with the top-ranked firm. The negotiations will be to establish a detailed scope of services and total cost for services. Should the top-ranked firm and the Borough of Grove City not be able to reach an agreement, the Borough will terminate negotiations with that firm and open negotiations with the second ranked firm and so on until a successful agreement is reached.

The Request for Qualification document can be downloaded HERE:  RFQ For Engineering Services Water Plant Expansion. Statement of Qualifications can be hand delivered, mailed or emailed to Vance E. Oakes, Grove City Borough Manager at the address included in the RFQ document.

The Borough of Grove City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all submissions and to waive any informalities it deems to be in the best interest of the Borough.

2024 Lawn Debris Collection

The Borough of Grove City will begin picking up lawn debris starting in April. Collection will continue April through September, according to the following schedule:

If your location is on the South side of Main Street (yellow on the map below), lawn debris will be picked up on the 2nd Monday of each month. The first collection will be Monday, April 8, 2024.

If your location is on the North side of Main Street (purple on the map below), lawn debris will be picked up on the 4th Monday of the month (not always the last Monday). The first collection will be Monday, April 22, 2024.

Debris is to be placed at the curb and must be in open containers. Brush must be stacked in one direction. Grass clippings are not permitted. LOOSE LEAVES WILL NOT BE PICKED UP, THEY MUST BE IN CONTAINERS.

Posting of Signs, Placards, Advertisements Prohibited

It is unlawful for any person or entity to attach any sign, placard, notice or advertisement of any kind or description upon any signposts, trees, fire hydrants, utility poles, traffic poles and streetlight poles which are owned by Grove City Borough and are located adjacent to the public streets, alleys or highways within Grove City Borough.

Grove City Borough officials have authority to immediately remove any sign, placard, notice or advertisement of any kind or description from Borough property as described above.

The penalty for violation of this ordinance is a fine of not more than $300 for each date that the said person or entity is in violation of this Ordinance, plus court costs.